- 6
- 4500.0sqft
- Shop space
Rs. 750,000 /month [167 PSF]
(RR199) Commercial Building for Rent in Colombo 6
⭕️ (RR199) Commercial Building for Rent in Colombo 6 ⭕️ Address : Colombo 6 ⭕️ House sqft :... more »
- 8
- 2000sqft
- Shop space
Rs. 400,000 /month [200 PSF]
Multi-unit shop space, Office Space and Showroom for...
Multi unit office Spaces/ Showroom Space/ Shop Space for Rent/ Long term Lease Showroom Space, office complex... more »
- 7
- 700sqft
- Shop space
Rs. 200,000 /month [286 PSF]
Shop for rent in Colombo 6 for Rs. 2 lakhs- 2ND FLOOR...
REF NO BSSC Quoting SLR 200K for each floor Construction to be completed in October Features ... more »
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